Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Being bilingual teacher in United States is hard because it is not easy to find on line resources, materials and support in Spanish. This blog will help all bilingual teachers that need help and orientation in How to get resources?

I will  provide you with some links that have helped a lot in my dual language classes

This link has a lot of resources in English/Spanish for all grades and subjects, also has classroom management poster to print, also has materials for month and season in both languages.

This link provide information or resources on the Internet related to Bilingual Education.

  • to information or resources on the Internet related to Bilingual Education.
This link contains lists of great educational sites in Spanish. 


  1. Before creating a blog, I came up with the main topic. After I made up my mind it was very entertaining to look for the links and the appropriate information showing what I wanted to share with the rest of the world. It keeps it nice and simple, people are also able to comment on my blog, making it easy to receive feedback and improve my ideas.

  2. Muchas gracias por compartir tantos links. Los voy a utilizar en mi clase de español también.
